Soussusvlei - (Namibia)


Beliebte Aufnahmen

aus der Perspektive

eines Vogel's



Normandy (France)

Julier Pass (Switzerland)

Morteratsch Gletscher (Switzerland)

Heidiland - Berguen (Switzerland)

Sardinien (Italy)

Cap Verde

Kühtai (Austria)

Wachtenburg (Pfalz - Germany)

Loreley (Pfalz - Germany)

Reichsburg Cochem (Pfalz - Germany)

Pfalz - Germany

Golden Gate Bridge (California - US)

Golden Gate Bridge (California - US)

FreeWay No. 1 (California - US)

FreeWay No. 1 (California - US)


- "Piazza Venezia" -
and the "Altare della Patria from the North-West"


"Pantheon" - is a former Roman temple and since 609 AD, a Catholic church (Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres or Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs).


"Piazza Navona"


"Castel Sant'Angelo" - The building was later used by the popes as a fortress and castle, and is now a museum.


- "Trevi Fountain" -
is just an 18th-century fountain in the Trevi district in Rome


Namib Dessert


Sessriem - Soussusvlei - Namibia


Mautirius - Deep Sea Waterfall


Our lovely Wakeboarding Station

at St. Leoner See (BW)



A view from the

International Space Station (ISS)



Please forward your comments to Dirk Göttge.
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